This is a bit more technical of a document then our other writeups. We cannot provide you technical support, but if something is confusing or unclear, you can message us on Discord or at hello at pandiongames dot com

These are instructions for configuring your Shopify store to support a gated wholesale portal. To do this, we use:

We decided to use this method because Shopify Wholesale Portal app requires Shopify Plus, which is $2,000/month, and wholesale marketplaces like Faire take too large a cut to make using them sustainable ($10 + 15% on top of your 50-60% wholesale prices).

This has been tested with the Dawn theme but should work with any theme.

This requires editing your theme’s code. You can access this by going to Online Store → Click the Three dots next to Customize → Edit Code


Step 1: Add The Wholesale Gateway Logic

First, let’s create the logic for when to gate off a page or product.

In your Shopify theme code editor, open theme.liquid. Find the code that looks like this:

**{{ content_for_layout }}**

and replace it with this:

{% if template contains 'wholesale' %}
	{% if customer %}
		{% if customer.tags contains 'wholesale' %}
			{{ content_for_layout }}
		{% else %}
			{% include 'wholesale-note' %}
		{% endif %}
	{% else %}
		{% include 'wholesale-note' %}
	{% endif %}
{% else%}
	**{{ content_for_layout }}**
{% endif %}

Step 2: Add snippet called “wholesale-note”

The wholesale note snippet is the content that will be displayed when a user does not have permissions to access the page/product/collection marked for wholesalers.

For links, we assume your wholesale signup page is called “wholesale”. Update the links as needed in the code below.

In the theme code editor, click on Snippets in the sidebar and then click "Add snippet." Name it "wholesale-note." Copy and paste the code below into your new snippet: